Integrity. Determination. Commitment

Fort Worth Guardianship Lawyers

The attorneys at Griffith, Jay & Michel, LLP have years of experience in dealing with the procedures, issues and problems that can arise from a person's incapacity. The firm pursues and defends guardianships and guardianship contests. The firm also provides incapacity planning services (see our Estate Planning services).

Guardianship - Pursuit and Defense. The Texas Legislature has empowered certain Texas courts to appoint a guardian to address problems and issues that can arise when a person loses capacity to care for themselves or their property. These Courts are charged with determining whether a person lacks capacity, whether less restrictive alternatives to a guardianship exist, whether a Guardianship is necessary, who should serve as Guardian, and the powers of a court appointed Guardian. If the court appoints a Guardian, then the Court is required to oversee the Guardianship, and the Guardian is required to report and account to the Court. The attorneys at Griffith, Jay & Michel, LLP have years of experience in handling Guardianships that includes:

  • Preparing, filing and pursuing Applications to Appoint a Guardian of the Person and/or Estate
  • Defending alleged incapacitated persons
  • Preparing, filing and pursuing Applications to Appoint a Temporary Guardian
  • Preparing, filing, and pursuing Applications to Create Management Trusts
  • Representing Temporary Guardians
  • Representing Guardians of the Person
  • Representing Guardians of the Estate
  • Representing Trustees of Managements Trusts
  • Representing Agents under Power of Attorney
  • Serving as Guardian Ad Litem
  • Serving as Attorney Ad Litem

Contested Guardianships. The attorneys of Griffith, Jay & Michel, LLP are experienced in the disputes that can arise in a guardianship action. This experience includes:

  • Contested Capacity
  • Qualification of a Potential Guardians
  • Less Restrictive Alternatives
  • Validity of Powers of Attorney
  • Validity of the Declaration of Guardian

Fort Worth Guardianship Attorneys

To schedule an appointment with one of our lawyers, call our office at 817-926-2500 or contact us online.

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